
Tuesday 16 June 2015

6 Yoga Poses for the Monsoon

“Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life.” - John Updike

The first rain after a hot summer isn’t just rain, it is a shower of blessings!! There is something very upbeat about the rains that makes the child in us want to run out and get wet!! But as enthusiastic as that thought may be, monsoons are also a time of illnesses and we need to take preventive steps to ensure good health throughout the monsoons.

It’s a happy coincidence that we welcome the onset of the monsoons with International Yoga Day which is this week. Ayurveda prescribes a different way of eating during the monsoons, and in the same way, there are also certain yoga poses that can boost your immunty and protect you from common monsoon maladies. Here are the most effective yoga poses for this monsoon.

6 Yoga Poses for the Monsoons



Benefits: Improves blood circulation, reduces fatigue and improves asthma symptoms

  1. Lie on your stomach with arms and legs extended down the body, toes on the floor.
  2. Place palms under the shoulders, elbows close to the sides and lift chest and abdomen off the floor, inhaling.
  3. Putting your weight on your hands, push your torso up and away from the floor. Turn head up and away from your shoulders.
  4. Hold and stretch your spine, breathing deeply throughout. 
Setu Bandhasana

Benefits: Improves digestion, improves immunity by stimulating the thymus gland

  1. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet 10 inches from the hips and arms by your side, palms down.
  2. Inhaling, raise your back and hips, anchoring your shoulders and pushing down on your palms.
  3. Touch your chin to your chest and keep your back parallel to the floor, the muscles in your buttocks contracted. You may support your back with your hands. Hold, breathing and release.

Benefits: Improves immunity and protects from common illnesses

  1. Lie on your back, arms by your side palms down.
  2. Inhale and exhaling, lift your upper back and feet off the floor, raisng your arms and pointing your fingers towards your feet.
  3. Contract your abdominal muscles as you go into a V shape, not straining the shoulders too much. Hold, breathing, and release.
Adho Mukha Svananasana

Benefits: Rejuvenates body, increases blood to the brain, calms the mind

  1. From standing, come on all fours, resting your palms and feet on the floor.
  2. Exhaling, straighten arms, pushing hips into the air to form an inverted V.
  3. Keep heels and palms firmly planted, extending arms and legs.
Kapal Bhati Pranayama

Benefits: Improves digestion and blood circulation, calms the mind, clears energy pathways

  1. Sit cross legged in a comfortable position with your back straight, hands on the knees, palms facing up.
  2. Inhale deeply.
  3. As you exhale, pull in your stomach sharply. Pull the navel towards the spine, keeping your right hand on your stomach to feel the contraction.
  4. Release as your lungs fill with air. Repeat for 20 rounds.
Supta Vajrasana

Benefits: Improves digestion, respiration and boosts immunity

  1. Sit on the floor kneeling, with big toes touching each other, hands on the knees.
  2. Bend backwards a little and prop up the back with elbows, one at a time.
  3. Pushing on both elbows, lower the head, arching the back.
  4. Slowly lower the crown of the head towards the floor.
While these yoga poses are safe for people in general good health, it’s always a godo idea to consult an expert first, particularly if you are prone to frequent aches and pains. Pregnant women and seniors should take special care while performing these poses. With the right exercise and diet, you’ll be able to stay healthy and enjoy the magic of the monsoons completely!

Wednesday 3 June 2015

7 Ways to an Eco Friendly Kitchen

The kitchen is generally considered the heart of the home. It is where the most activity takes place, where food is prepared and served with love. Just as an unhealthy heart can lead to a body riddled with disease, so is the health of the kitchen important to the overall well being of the family and the home.

With World Environment Day just around the corner, it is worth looking at the state of our kitchens and see how eco friendly they are. If you’re a little confused about where to start, don’t worry! Here we list out 7 simple ways towards a much more eco friendly kitchen.

7 Ways to an Eco Friendly Kitchen

1. Use Energy Efficient Appliances

In this day and age, it is virtually impossible for us to imagine a life without kitchen appliances. While it’s okay to use them, buy ones that are energy efficient with the Energy Star rating. They not just cut down on your electricity bill, they use electricity much more efficiently than appliances without the Energy Star rating. Also, buying quality appliances will last longer, thus cutting down on consumption and waste.

2. Cook Smart

There are numerous ways you can save valuable cooking fuel by cooking smart. Cooking with a lid is faster, as is using pressure cookers. Induction cookers are more fossil-fuel friendly than gas or electric cookers. Turning off the heat just before your dish is completely done also saves gas. Microwaves use almost 80% less energy than conventional cooking methods.

3. Reduce Wastage

When cooking, it’s always better to cook extra, so that you can freeze the leftovers for another day. This saves fuel, time and effort. When entertaining, make a careful estimate of the number of guests and cook accordingly. Buy perishables only in small quantities to avoid spoilage and use the freezer as much as possible. Store food properly according to the type of food, and don’t leave food uncovered in the fridge or freezer.

4. Buy from the Source

‘Food miles’ is a concept that experts are now talking about; it refers to how much your food has to travel before it reaches your table. The fewer food miles, the better it is for your health as well as for the environment. Buy local as much as you can, and buy foods that are in season. It is always better to buy food stuffs from their original source, to ensure authenticity and better quality. Check out uIndia for a range of authentic ingredients directly sourced from their places of origin.

5. Clean Green

Kitchens use up a lot of cleaning products – dish washing liquids, disinfectants and other specialized cleaning products for the floor, stove and countertops. These aren’t exactly eco friendly, as they’re all made up of chemicals. A combination of vinegar, baking soda and warm water can clean nearly anything - your sink, countertops, fridge and microwave. And if you miss a nice, clean scent, just make a kitchen air freshener – just boil some water with cloves and let it sit for a while. The kitchen will smell naturally lovely, without any synthetic scent.

6. Ditch the Plastic

It is unbelievable how much plastic enters our homes on a daily basis, even though a lot of it can actually be avoided. Carry strong cloth or jute bags to do your grocery shopping. Avoid instant and packaged foods as much as you can, and cook with natural ingredients. Another good way to cut down on plastic packaging is to buy in bulk. Ingredients like dry fruit and spices keep well if stored properly, so it’s good to buy these in bulk.

7. Recycle Waste

However much you try, some amount of waste is inevitable in your kitchen, but you can do your bit to dispose of it in a more environment friendly manner. Keep plastic and glass separately – there are many individuals who’ll gladly take them, especially if they’re already sorted. As for food waste, invest in a compost bin – you’ll get natural fertilizer for your garden. You can also install a bio-gas stove, which will make use of the gas produced by your compost heap.

As you can see, there’s a lot you can do to work your way to an eco friendly kitchen, without spending too much time, money or effort. There’s no excuse now for greening up your kitchen to help the environment!! As Margaret Mead said, “We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment”.