
Tuesday 5 January 2016

5 Tips to Keep your New Year Resolutions

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." - Oprah Winfrey

Happy New Year! We're almost a week into 2016 and we hope it's been going well so far! If you're like most of us, then you've either already made your New Year resolutions or are in the process of doing so. Cynics may say that a new year is no big deal, but like Oprah says, we believe it is a chance to start over! 

Setting goals and making resolutions is great; it gives your life direction and a sense of purpose, while helping you achieve everything you really want. However, statistics show that making resolutions is actually the easy part; sticking to them is not! Only about 8% of people stick to their resolutions for the whole year, with the majority abandoning them by July. But if you're determined not to be another statistic this year, then this post is for you! Here are 5 tips to help you stick to your resolutions, not just for January, but the whole year! 

5 Tips to Keep your New Year Resolutions

1. Break it Up

If you plan to lose 10 kg by the end of the year, just thinking of that massive number can be enough to discourage you! It also doesn't give you a clear plan to follow, and you can feel defeated when the scale moves very slowly. So break up your grand plans into smaller, doable steps. Plan to lose 1 or 2 kg a month, resolve to write 2 pages a day or set a goal to save Rs. 5000.00 every month for that foreign vacation. Smaller numbers will seem much more realistic and you are more likely to accomplish them.

2. Write down the Why

You've made your resolutions, but why are you doing it in the first place? Make sure that all your resolutions are aligned with your long term goals, so that you aren't wasting your time and effort fulfilling someone else's dream. Write down all the good things that will happen when you stick to your resolution and make another list of all the consequences if you don't. Keep this paper carefully; there will be many moments when you feel discouraged, but one look at this paper will remind you of why you started in the first place.

3. Have a Reliable Tracking System

Meeting your goals feels great, but the journey can be a little lonely. Have a buddy or a partner with whom you can share your resolutions and keep tabs on, so that both of you have someone you are accountable to. Even if you can't find anyone suitable, ensure that you have some way of tracking your progress, like an excel sheet or a calendar where you mark each day with an 'X' or something. There are many apps you can use as well, with one example being the MyFitnessPal app to track your food intake and exercise. 

4. Expect Disruptions

Life doesn't always go the way we expect it to, and you can expect many obstacles on your journey to achieving your goals. It's very easy to get derailed during such circumstances, and it can be very difficult to get back on track; in fact, many don't. Be aware that such situations can pop up, but promise yourself that you'll find a way through it without hurting your goals. When you adjust your mindset in this manner, you won't feel overwhelmed during stressful situations and are more likely to make your resolutions work somehow. After all, where there is a will, there is a way!

5. Include Rewards

The reward here refers to the proverbial carrot on a stick; something to look forward to as you complete each milestone towards your goal. Set small rewards at frequent intervals, so that you are constantly inspired and motivated to work towards your resolution. This way, the end goal will not seem so far off, and you'll actually be happy to do the work! Just make sure that the reward isn't counterproductive; no point rewarding yourself with an entire chocolate cake when you've worked all that weight off! 

Like we said, resolutions give you direction; but don't forget to enjoy life in the process. Waiting to be happy only when you achieve your goals is going to make you miserable, so seek out happiness in the small things of everyday life. Like Omar Khayyam said, 'Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.' All the best for your resolutions!

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